Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone! How are you Holidays going? Did you get some great books for gifts? I hope you did!

I have been SO busy with family stuff over the last week, and the week before that were my finals! I passed my classes, so I'm super happy about that. Now I have no class until the 7th, so I get to read a bit more at night now. I usually do my schoolwork after my little goes to bed at night, so sometimes I don't get around to reading as much as I would like.

I apologize for my absence the last few weeks here, it's been busy! Hopefully after the New Year I'll be able to pick everything back up and get rolling.

I PROMISE that tonight I will get that post up for my Stacking the Shelves! It's been well over a month since I have done a post for it, and I have a lot of books to share with you! I also have some great reviews to write up, so look for those this coming week as well!

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